CleanPlanetEN - contactless cleaning of water and liquids

Application area:

The scope of the technology is diverse and can be changed at the request of the customer.

Technical parameters of devices, design, configuration can be changed in accordance with the wishes of the customer.

The devices are easily integrated into existing equipment for domestic and industrial use.

The technology is unique and have a high degree of copy protection.

How the technology works

The new method is based on the principle of high-voltage radio frequency resonance, which cleans / disinfects water and liquids without the use of mechanical filters.

The efficiency of the devices is ensured by the impact on the resonant frequencies of chemical and bacterial compounds harmful to the human body that are in water and liquids, and their transformation into an inert environment.

This principle allows you to configure the device only for those compounds whose effects must be neutralized (chlorine, ammonia, phenol, dioxides, sulfates, fluorine, etc.).

All devices do not contain radiation that has a negative effect on the human body, animals, plants.

Any device can be additionally equipped with functions that allow you to customize the operation of the device with certain planned characteristics or their range, supported automatically.

Filterless water and liquid purification technology


  • High voltage RF resonance combined with aeration method


  • Greater efficiency of water (liquid) purification with minimal energy consumption
  • Water treatment with or without sludge formation
  • No rubbing, moving, electrical elements in the water
  • No chance of electric shock in water


  • Очистка от всех вредных микроорганизмов, бактерий и химических веществ
    (от всех частиц размерами меньше 1 х 10-4 нм.)
  • High precision and setting range for water and liquid treatment
  • Compact size
  • The technology can be used to purify water, wastewater, domestic and industrial sewage, clean up rivers, reservoirs, reservoirs, etc.
  • Power consumption when getting the maximum effect from 200 W for a tank of 10 cubic meters.

Analogues in the world and side effects



  • There are working prototypes of household, office and industrial devices.
  • The technology has been tested and improved.
  • The technology is ready for mass production.

Main results of chemical and bacterial analysis of water treatment

Results before and after treatment
before 15 minutes after
pH 7.45 7.52
13.5 13.5
0.99 0.85
COD 53 34
Iron 0.40 0.14
Manganese 0.193 0.154
Sulphides 0.050 0.022
Turbidity 21.0 7.85
Color index 211 108
-62 -36

*All parameters of the device, its effect on chemical, bacterial and harmful substances, can be changed at the request of the customer, depending on the conditions, place of operation and obtaining the desired effect

Dynamics of death of E. coli in wastewater after treatment with the device

dose (E.coli)
cells per ml.
(in minutes)
0 60 120

10 ++++ +++ ++
1.0 +++ +++ n.d.
0.1 +++ n.d.
0.01 +++ n.d. n.d.
0.001 ++ n.d. n.d.
0.0001 ++ n.d. n.d.

10 ++ n.d. n.d.
1.0 ++++ ++++ ++
0.1 +++ +++ +
0.01 +++ ++ n.d.
0.001 ++ ++ n.d.
0.0001 ++ + n.d.
106 10 n.d. n.d. n.d.
1.0 ++++ ++++ ++
0.1 ++++ +++ ++
0.01 ++ ++ n.d.
0.001 ++ + n.d.
0.0001 ++ n.d. n.d.
0.00001 + n.d. n.d.
++++ Quantity corresponds to 100%
+++ Quantity corresponds to 75%
++ quantity corresponds to 50%
+ Quantity corresponds to 25%
n.d. - not detected
0.001-0.00001 - quantity corresponds to drinking water

Research results (capillary electrophoresis system "KAPIEL 104T")

Phosphate anions, mg / dm3
Liquid processing time
Sample 1 before processing
96.646 15 minutes
Sample 1 after processing
42.449 (0.25mAU)
Re-treatment after 2 hours
Sample 2 before processing
37.088 15 seconds
Sample 2 after processing
35.247 (0.25mAU)

The results of the study of water from the river, capillary electrophoresis system "KAPIEL 104T"

Ammonium cation

(sample river "T")
ammonium cation,
Electrophoregram gram
Sample 1 before processing
748.28 (0,748 mUA)
Sample 1 after processing
738.379 (0,748 mUA)
(sample river "T")
nitrite + nitrate
phosphate, mg/dm3
Sample 4 before processing
Nitrite plus nitrate
Phosphates 1334,94 (4 mUA)
(0,5 mUA)
Sample 4 after processing (processing time 15 minutes)
Nitrite plus nitrate
Phosphates 689 (4 mUA)
(0,5 mUA)

Main results of chemical and bacterial analysis of water treatment

Laboratory test protocol No. dated February 28, 2014 Wastewater at the outlet after treatment facilities
Test results, research, units of measurement
Results of tests, studies AFTER an HOUR of operation of the device, units of measurement
Results of tests, studies AFTER TWO hours of operation of the device, units of measurement
Results of tests, studies AFTER THREE hours of operation of the device, units of measurement
Results of tests, studies AFTER FOUR hours of operation of the device, units of measurement
Device operating time and disinfection efficiency
Common coliform bacteria
45000 KOE in
100 ml
37000 KOE in
100 ml
15300 KOE in 100 ml 1500 KOE in 100 ml
not detected One hour – 19,5%

two hours – 76,6 %

Three hours – 97,91 %

Four hours – 100%
Термотолерантные колиформные бактерии
27000 KOE in 100 ml
21000 KOE in 100 ml
1500 KOE in 100 ml
not detected not detected
3 BOE in 100 ml 3 BOE in 100 ml
3 BOE in 100 ml
3 BOE in 100 ml
3 BOE in 100 ml

The effectiveness of disinfection is confirmed by the Protocol of laboratory tests of FBUZ "TsGiE" RO

The results of the study of the water of Artwell No. 9A-1 before and after the operation of a filterless purifier (cleaning time - two hours)

Protocol of laboratory tests No. dated June 30, 2014 FBUZ "TsGiE" RO

The results of the study of the water of the Artwell before and after the operation of a filterless purifier (sedum time - one hour)

Protocol of laboratory tests No. dated September 21, 2015 FBUZ "TsGiE" RO

The results of the study of the water of Artwell No. 1 before and after the operation of a filterless purifier (cleaning time - two hours)

Examples of a household portable water treatment device (without remote pipes)

Characteristics of water treatment devices *

  • High cleaning efficiency and accuracy with minimal energy consumption
  • Power consumption of water treatment devices:
    • 20-30 W (household appliance)
    • 200-1000 W (device for cleaning rivers, lakes, reservoirs, industrial waste water)
  • 200-1000 W (device for cleaning rivers, lakes, reservoirs, industrial waste water)
  • Performance:
    • from 10 liters - 15 minutes (household appliance)
    • up to 1000 cubic meters – 15 minutes (a device for cleaning rivers, lakes, reservoirs, industrial waste water)
  • The design of the device does not have rubbing and moving parts. All appliances are equipped with an additional water pump.
  • Internal replacement filters are not used (minimum maintenance required)
  • Long service life of devices

* All parameters can be changed according to the model, conditions and place of application

Technology "Soft water purification" in reservoirs, rivers, lakes

  • Water purification based on the “Soft Water Purification” technology is calculated individually for each reservoir, river, lake, depending on the volume of water, flow velocity, degree of pollution with harmful substances, etc.
  • The technology consists of several stages (it is a multilevel system). The number of cleaning steps is calculated individually (the minimum number is three). The increase in steps is done in order not to damage the environment from the rapid cleaning and disinfection of water.
  • Automatic adjustment and adjustment of the device for water purification with the possibility of manually changing the degree of purification and the subject of purification from harmful pollutants

Scheme of the "Soft water purification" technology (river)

The composition of the technology (1, 2, 3) - the minimum three stages of river cleaning

* All parameters are selected individually, can be changed in accordance with the model, conditions and place of use, have automatic or manual adjustment of cleaning

Components of a filterless water treatment device

  • Working (upper) electrical part of the device
  • Power (lower) electrical part of the device
  • Device housing (plastic or metal)
  • Pump for supplying air through the device into the water
  • Remote pipes from the device to the water
  • Power supply (external)

The composition of the working (upper) electrical part of the device

  • PVC plastic 3 mm
  • PET plastic 2 mm
  • PVC plastic 2 mm
  • PVC plastic 1.5 mm
  • Gold-plated connectors
  • Lacquered copper winding
  • Rings brass or stainless steel (thickness 0.8 mm)
  • Copper wire (2.5; 0.5; 0.315 mm2)
  • Mounting wires
  • PVC insulation

The composition of the power (lower) electrical part of the device

  • CHIP elements in assortment
  • Output capacitors in assortment
  • Resistors, variable resistors, CHIP resistors
  • Microcircuits, ROM chip
  • Field effect transistors in assortment
  • Quartz, Transformer
  • Controllers
  • Aluminum radiator
  • Printed circuit board
  • Copper mounting wires

In our device:

  • The case can be made of plastic or metal of any shape and design.
  • The case is on land, there is no direct contact with water, there is no possibility of electric shock in water
  • Minimum dimensions:
    • household option - 25 x 12 x 10 cm.
    • industrial or option for cleaning rivers, lakes, ponds (the size is not limited and is adjusted depending on customer requirements)
  • The housing can be equipped with LEDs, various switches, regulators and additional control modules, automatic equipment for measuring water temperature, water pollution level, displays, control panels, etc.
  • Due to the low power consumption, the device can be provided with an autonomous power supply mode (solar panels or wind generators)

Promising development of filterless water purification technology

  • Expansion of the number of simultaneously disinfecting chemical and bacteriological elements with one device
  • Disinfection of pools without the use of "chemistry"
  • Increasing the shelf life of food
  • Energy efficient water desalination
  • Development of a new type of septic tank for wastewater treatment plants

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