CleanPlanet - improving the efficiency of fireplaces and stoves

Filterless device for increasing the efficiency of solid fuel combustion in fireplaces


The device uses the principle of the impact of high-frequency electromagnetic waves on the resonant frequency of the connections necessary to improve the efficiency of combustion of solid fuel elements in fireplaces.

The principle used in the device concerns only those substances that are necessary to improve and increase the efficiency of the fireplace, without affecting other substances.

The device is completely safe.

A device using this principle provides a higher level of combustion of a combustible substance. Increasing the efficiency of combustion of combustible substances reduces the amount of harmful chemical emissions into the atmosphere.

The device has a compact size and is installed at the air flow inlet to the fireplace or next to it separately.

The combustion efficiency improvement technology makes it possible to decontaminate the air from the remaining microorganisms, harmful chemical elements, including those smaller than 1 × 10-4 nm. For example, the device can reduce the content of oxidized organic matter, sulfur to the lowest possible values.

Combining the above technologies with electrostatic filters (designed specifically for this device) will reduce smoke after the combustion of fuel cells.


  • Rooms without smell, germs, bacteria, harmful chemical compounds
  • Low power device
  • No consumables (no filters or chemicals)
  • Minimum maintenance required
  • Installing additional innovative electrostatic filters increases the effect of the device and the ability to attract dust from a distance.
  • No harmful and electromagnetic radiation. The device can be tuned with high precision over a wide operating range


  • Innovation with a high rate of return
  • The manufacturer receives a technology that has no analogues in the world
  • Increasing the efficiency of solid fuel combustion in fireplaces
  • Reducing harmful emissions during combustion
  • First on the market
  • Brand recognition
  • Efficient and reliable high-end device
  • Long service life
  • "Green Technologies" (no consumables)

Filterless device for increasing the efficiency of solid fuel combustion in fireplaces and its schematic arrangement


Main results of chemical and bacterial analysis of air purification

Indicators Before After
Chemical elements (mg / cubic meter):
Ammonia 8.24 3.37
Toluene 13.5 13.0
Formaldehyde 0.0267 0.019
Xylene 14.8 14.5
Bacteriological elements (CFU \ m. Cubic.):
Total microbial count 2576 1148
Number of opportunistic microbes 812 336
Bacillus subtills 1456 0
Escherichia coli 84 0
Penicillum 112 0
Sarcina lutea 280 0
Sarcina rosea 28 0
Streptococcus α-гемолитический 112 0
Streptococcus β-гемолитический 504 0

*All parameters of the device, its effect on chemical, bacterial and harmful compounds can be changed at the request of the customer, depending on the conditions, place of operation and obtaining the desired effect


Components of a filterless air purification device

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