CleanPlanet - restoration of water structure

Changing the structure of water

Features of the device for changing the structure of water

Water structure restoration technology


Working prototypes of household and industrial appliances are ready. The technology has been tested and adjusted in Russia and abroad.


The technology is used to restore, purify water from the impact of negative information, and also allows you to restore the natural microstructural properties of water.

The water restored by the device improves the physical condition of a person. Taking a bath or pool using the device contributes to the rapid and effective recovery and relaxation of the human body.

The device is recommended to treat water in baths, pools, tanks, because the treated water retains its properties longer, remains fresh and does not deteriorate.

Benefits for the consumer

  • No need to use chemicals
  • Effective purification and restoration of the structure of water helps to improve the physical and emotional state of a person, his relaxation
  • No ongoing maintenance required
  • The technology can be used to restore the water structure of swimming pools, industrial tanks
  • High device performance

Business Benefits

  • Innovative technology with high profit potential
  • Technology to improve the health of society, unparalleled in the world
  • Obtaining an efficient, high-quality water structure restoration technology with low energy consumption
  • High efficiency and technology reliability
  • Long life technology
  • Eco-friendly technology (no consumables)
  • Technology cannot be copied

Application area

Device characteristic

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